5 Advanced Blogspot SEO Tips For Bloggers

seo tips for blogger

In wordpress, plugins plays major role in SEO but in blogger we should do some manual work for doing better BlogSpot SEO, here today we can learn some BlogSpot SEO tips which will help you to get better ranking.

Blogger is free blogging platform to start Blogging and learn the basics. Every successful blogger initially started blogging in blogger and next change to the wordpress because of lack of plugins and some limitations. But if you are a beginner for blogging then blogger is the right platform to learn basics.

When compared with wordpress, BlogSpot is very poor in SEO, because lack of plugins, here we can do everything manual, but in wordpress once we can install plugins, they can do everything. If you are using Blogger don’t worry about it, here I will give some BlogSpot SEO tips that may help you for your blogger SEO.

BlogSpot SEO Tips and Tricks:

Mainly SEO depends on two factors they are nothing but "on page SEO" & "off page SEO". on page SEO is nothing but optimizing your blog content with the keywords as search engine friendly. follow this SEO tips to increase your blogger ranking.

1.Format Permalinks as SEO Friendly:

Permalinks are plays main role in BlogSpot SEO to find the article in search engine results. You can make it easier for people to find your blog on search engines. Before we format permalinks, we should know some rules.
permalink tips for blogspot seo

·        Domain name and permalink together should be maximum 70 letters.
·        Don’t use special characters (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), <, >, ? etc.).
·        Don’t give space between two words.
·        You can use “_” and “-“only.
·        Place keyword in permalink for better ranking, but don’t repeat keyword.
·        Don’t use stop words in permalink (like A, An and The).

2.Provide Search Description:

Blogger has recently introduced new functionality as ‘Search Description”. This option is useful to include a meta description for the blog AND each individual blog post. The search description says about what your blog or post is. However it does appear in the listing for the post in a search engine result - but doesn't appear on your blog post.  While writing the search description you should keep some tips in your mind.

  • Write a description that mush has relation to the content on the page
  • Don’t use generic descriptions like "this web page" or "This Page about wedding cards "
  •  Don’t filling the description with only keywords instead of content.
  • Write a unique description, don’t copying and pasting the entire content of the post into the description.

3.Optimizing BlogSpot images as SEO friendly:

 In the blogger we should add manually alt tag and title tag for each image after uploading to the post but in wordpress there are some plugins do the same work automatically. But don’t worry we already shared an article automatically alt and tag generator for blogger . It gives you complete guidance about formatting the BlogSpot images.

4.Optimize Blogger Post Titles:

Optimize blogger post titles can help rank your post in search engine results. Blog titles are also plays major role in BlogSpot SEO. In the default blogger template, our blog title is placed in front of each post title. The reason why you should optimize your post titles, because users are search for specific content rather than the blog name so always it better to start with your post title for better CTR.

Optimized Blogger post tile is shown as below

How to optimize blogger post titles?

optimize blogger title for seo

  • ·        Log in to your Blogger and go to template and next click on Edit HTML
  • ·        Click anywhere in the code and press the CTRL +F key
  • ·        Search for the below code


  • ·        And replace the code with below one

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> </b:if>

  • ·        Save template.

 5.Add Custom Robots.txt:

Robots.txt contains few lines of code. This is instructing the web crawlers to how to index and crawl your blog in the search results. Here you can restrict any web page on your website from web crawlers so that it can’t get indexed in search engines like your blog search page, labels page or any other pages. But always remember that web crawlers scan the robots.txt file before crawling any web page.

How to add Custom Robots.txt:

·        Go to your blogger dashboard.
·        Navigate to Settings >> Search Preferences ›› Crawlers and indexing ›› Custom robots.txt ›› Edit ›› Yes
·        Now copy and paste your robots.txt file code in the box.
·        Click on Save Changes button.
custom robots.txt settings

To Check Your Robots.txt File:

To find your robots.txt file, open the Google search bar and add robots.txt along with your website url and click enter button, now you can find your robots.txt code copy it and paste in the Custom Robots.txt file box. Example 


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Final Words:

After Reading this guide you may got better idea about BlogSpot SEO, still if you have any doubts regarding BlogSpot SEO tips, feel free to ask your doubt in the comment box am always ready to reply you.

5 Advanced Blogspot SEO Tips For Bloggers 5 Advanced Blogspot SEO Tips For Bloggers Reviewed by Nandhu Roy on 17:08:00 Rating: 5


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    Especially optimize blogger post titles is useful.

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