The Hidden Meaning Behind The Top 10 Company Logos

Almost every brand has a  some interesting story as to how - after a lot of brain-storming and research - the designers came up with the logo.

If we look at the logo and we instantly know which brand it is. That's the power of a logo, it can either make or break a company. Creating a successful logo isn't easy thing, and all the big brands have one thing in common: brilliant logos!

Here we look at 10 brand logos, their history and the hidden meaning:


The motive behind a bitten apple was so that people don't confuse it with a cherry. And the coloured stripes were there to make the logo more accessible, and to make it known that Apple II could generate graphics in colour. Later the company adopted the monochromatic styled logo, as it allows greater flexibility while branding its products.


FedEx advertise their speed and delivery accuracy more than you might think, and actually promote these factors it their logo type by hidding an arrow between the 'E' and 'X'.


The yellow underlining arrow in the amazon logotype points from the 'A' to the 'Z', which illustrates the sheer variety of products that the online store sell. It's also been shaped as a smile, which represents customer satisfaction.

4.Formula 1:

Formula 1 is commonly known simply as F1. With the black F and the red pattern signifying speed on display where does the 1 come in? Take a closer look at the white space between these two elements.


Cisco was founded in San Francisco, which explains the name, but this is also referenced in their logo.The series of blue lines represent an electromagnet, but also symbolize San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge.


The face seen in the LG logo is made up of the letters of the brand with 'L' illustrating a nose, and 'G' forming the remainder of the face. some people also claim it coincidentally looks like a modified pacman symbol. 


The BMW logo speaks of its history in aviation during World War II, when the company used to create aircraft engines for the German military.The BMW brand has a background in aviation, and the logo stays true to this history. The white section represents a moving propeller, and the blue sections represent the sky.

8.Sun Microsystems:

Sun Microsystems was a technological company. The diamond shaped logo isn’t just just a bunch of squiggly lines, but is actually comprised of ‘u’s and ‘n’s. Some of the letters are stacked on top of each other, creating the letter ‘s’. All of this put together spells out ‘sun’ over and over.


The point of Pinterest is for users to 'pin' web clippings onto their own customisable online board, so it's no surprise that a pin has been incorporated into the letter 'p' in their logo type.

10.Game Cube:

And the last but not least 

Tricks2win Logo:

Please review your opinions and suggestions my logo through comments, Am waiting about your comments.

The Hidden Meaning Behind The Top 10 Company Logos The Hidden Meaning Behind The Top 10 Company Logos Reviewed by Nandhu Roy on 08:56:00 Rating: 5


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