Why Olympics Winners Bite Their Medals?
First of all we all are congratulate the winners of Olympics
It's a familiar pose by now: Fresh-faced Olympian grins while pretending to take a bite from the hard-won gold medal hanging around his neck.
Watch the Olympics and you might notice a number of medalists bite their gold or silver prize like an old-time prospector.
If you're wondering whether anyone has chipped a tooth doing this, the answer is—of course. In 2010, German luger David Moeller broke off the corner of his tooth chomping on his silver medal. Good thing his mother is a dentist.
But why do athletes feign chomping on their prized medallions, anyway?
There are few more stories about this
Biting gold is a way to tell if it’s real, pure gold or not. Real gold won’t show bite marks. This reaches back to the Gold Rush days.
"It's become an obsession with the photographers," says Wallechinsky, co-author of "The Complete Book of the Olympics." "I think they look at it as an iconic shot, as something that you can probably sell. I don't think it's something the athletes would probably do on their own."
Why Olympics Winners Bite Their Medals?
Reviewed by Nandhu Roy